Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some Harmless Flirting

I have some light flirting going on with the manager.

"YOu're smiling at me," I said to him, as I'm feeding the machine pouches that need labeling.

"What? I like to smile," he says, his grin growing.

He smells oh-so-good.

Rosa Said

Rosa said to me once, "Why do we love these fuckers?"

I've been wondering about that.

Monday, February 24, 2014

More Comments While Working

We're all at the table, labeling (yes, the story stays the same--here), and one of the guys says, "Yeah, girls with ponytails make me horny."

As I'm sitting across from him--with my hair in a ponytail--to keep it out of my face.

Sexual harassment, anyone?

Comments While Working

So, I'm at work, and I'm sitting at a table full of people, and we're all labeling because that's our job and somehow, I don't know how, the conversation turns to people who are having a psychotic break.

Everyone has their own comment about how weird and silly it is--people thinking they have spirits trapped in their skulls so they go digging into their brains with a knife--comments like that.

And I realize that I'm the only person at the table who has actually lived through psychosis and knows a fucking thing about it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

About College

I've also been worried if I'll ever be stable enough to make it through a full semester at community college, which doesn't seem like that large of a goal to the normal person, but apparently, as history has proved for me--it is rather difficult. I have a medical withdrawal for the past two terms.

The plan was to finish a few semesters there and then transfer to the University to finish up.

We're still waiting.