Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What's Cool

My therapist asked, since I've been feeling better, if I've asked friends out, for lunch or coffee, or just a meet in town.

Initially, I said no. I spend the vast majority of my days (and evenings/nights) at home, doing laundry and the dishes. Because I'm wild like that. But then I remembered--yes, I asked the Advisor out for a beer.

"Like a date?" She replied.

No! Which I thought was funny. So, then I had to explain the over ten year relationship I've had with a man who is older than my (step)father. How the Advisor has always been there for me, in sickness and in health.

"He has been a major part of your life," she said.

Yes. Of course, she wanted to know what his response was to my invitation.

He said yes, after the quarter was over at the University, he would hang out with me.

Which I think is cool.

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