Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Friday

On Friday, I had to wake up at one am to get on the road at two am for Palo Alto. My appointment for ECT was at six thirty am.

Mom had to drive me since I'm not allowed to drive for three weeks (from the date of my last intensive treatment). She got even less sleep, as she was up from midnight--but she was allowed to drink coffee. I couldn't have anything by mouth past 12:00am.

"Keep talking to me, I'm getting sleepy," she kept saying while we were on the road.

I did my best to entertain her for close to four hours.

We discussed the fact that if we had the disposable income, we would drive up the day before and spend the night in a hotel.

We arrived at the patient registration desk at six am. The third floor of the ambulatory surgical center was filled with people waiting for op's and their families.

After one of the ECT nurses grabbed me, and took me back, everything was the same as it has been.

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