Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tricked Out of Progress

Yesterday sucked.

For the record, Morpheus apologized for yesterday--today.

So, he emailed me at six thirty-ish pm, saying he was going to have a movie night, maybe, he wasn't sure yet.

I just sort of stared at my cell phone, thinking, okay, is he going to invite me? Is he just toying with me?

I really didn't know how to react. I waited, and waited. No invite. Finally, I emailed, "Hope you have fun :-)"

He emails back, "I always have fun."

I kept waiting for an invite. None came. After almost an hour, I emailed, "I'm sure you do."

Time passes, I email, "Hey when are we going to have our cup of coffee together at starbucks?"

No response.

Another email, "We don't speak for weeks at a time and that's all I get. We don't ask each other how we are doing? We are not friends to each other at least?"

Another email, "I worry about you, you know. If you're happy or not. With Work and your family life.

I miss the way you kiss me."

At this point, I've had four shots of vodka (I had the booze earlier in the day, around four and five pm) and taken my night meds.

Finally, he answers me with a "don't worry," and a short paragraph and about his life.

At 11:37pm, he emails with just a title, "can u come over."

Now, I can come over?

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