Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hearing Yourself Say "Stupid," Part II

"What if I told you that I hated you? Would you believe me or would you just think I was angry, and saying something that I didn't mean?" I ask the LSU Professor.

"I don't do that...that's not something I was raised with..." He replies. "You've said that before?"

"Yeah, my mom, and I love her more than any other person on this planet," I confess. "It was a long time ago, I mean, I was a child when it happened." Out of all the memories I've lost, I didn't lose that one. I was young, standing just outside of the gate of the backyard, chain linked fence, and my mother turns to me and says, "Don't you ever say that again." I focus back on him, "Haven't you ever said something in anger that you didn't mean?"

"Yes," he nods.

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