Friday, August 18, 2017

Medical News

Yesterday, I took my first dose of Horizant, which is just an extended release version of gabapentin. In exchange, since the drug causes weight gain, the Neurologist (the same one I've had for over ten years) said that it would make her feel better if I joined Weight Watchers.

She, of course, heard the thundering hooves and saw stripes, not mangy Mustangs. First, she was considering that I might have cancer somewhere, but then was convinced when I told her the doctors did a thorough exam, including ultrasound, well, she then abandoned that idea. However, she was rather stuck on the fact that I had low levels of calcium in my blood. She mentioned that certain kidney diseases cause a loss of calcium in the urine, and she signed me up for a 24-hour urine catch, which sounds as bad as it is. However, if I have kidney disease, it's better to know sooner rather than later.

"I really love this kind of stuff," the Neurology says, smiling at me.

Finally, we arrived at the real reason why I was there: because of the nerve pain, or better known as paresthesia.

Of course, the neuropathy has no known cause. We ruled out iron deficiency and hypothyroidism. The Neurologist order a nerve conduction test, which I will have during September, but she offered no guesses as to why my nerve pain is so bad, and furthermore, why it manifests all over my body (with except of my face, my hands, and my feet), instead of taking the typical route, and just harassing the feet and the hands, like what happens in diabetes. 

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