Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Stupid Arguments on a Stupid Day, Part II

Besides the usual family bullshit, my GP called me last week, just before the holiday, and told me on voicemail that he would no longer refill my Norco prescription once every seven days (for ten pills), that he would only continue to fill it if I picked up the prescription every ten days (for ten pills). He said over the phone that this is what we "agreed to."

We did no such thing. He just dictated it down to me, and has refused to be flexible enough to even change the prescription to "one or more" pills per day (which is what the prescription said originally back in February).

Eventually, I had to call him back, even though we have an appointment on Friday. I did so yesterday, already angry, and wanted to tell him to go fuck himself (I probably would have if I had been able to get ahold of him). Instead, fairies intervened, and I was only able to speak to his office help.

On a different topic, the guy a few tables down from me at Starbucks is telling the woman that his problem with relationships is that he sacrifices too much. "I know there are sacrifices that need to be made in any relationship, but I can't lose myself," he continues.

He sounds exactly like some selfish asshole.

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