Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Stupid Arguments on a Stupid Day

Of course, yesterday, I was intensely angry (watched a recent Stanford health video which discussed the link between anger and an increase in chronic pain) for reasons of which I'm not sure about. While I was at the park that morning, Beck ran across a street, chasing something, and almost got hit by a car--and would have, had not the driver braked. She most likely would have died.

My grandmother (from my father's side) is visiting, and whenever she comes over, she is frequently talkative, politically conservative, and always agrees with whatever my father says. She idolizes him in a way that I believe is unnatural for a parent to feel about a child. My grandmother from my mother's side, the one who recently died, thought my other grandmother was annoying as shit. Sometimes, despite the woman's genuine sweetness, she irritates me too.

My parents came home yesterday at approximately the same time, and immediately started talking about my father's medications. My mother threw out this conspiracy theory idea that the doctors were prescribing needless medications for my father for financial gain on the part of the doctor. She couldn't understand that the doctor had prescribed him high cholesterol medication when he only had high blood pressure. I commented that they were related.

"He doesn't have high blood pressure," my mother answered.

I then corrected her, recently the American Medical Association decided anything over 130 was high. She just kept arguing with me like I didn't know what I was talking about.

I ended up yelling at her that she shouldn't let her "nonsense" influence Dad's medical decisions. I mean, the man's father did die of a fucking heart attack.

The whole conversation reminded me of my late grandmother's insistence that she didn't need to take any of her medications either, and my other grandmother's insistence that having a persistent cough doesn't mean anything, much less something serious. If you're eighty-five-years-old and you have had a cough for several months, maybe you should see a doctor. But, nope, no one listens to me because I'm fucking out of my mind.

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