Saturday, February 18, 2023

Thoughts About Cleaning Stalls and School

 I've been thinking about my life, and having one of those "what does it all mean?" and "how do I make myself happy in the long run?" Maybe I was meant to just clean stalls because that makes me as happy as anything else. It's hard to screw up, so you don't have a boss hanging over your shoulder. You just have your job, and when you're done with your job, you're done. 

Maybe I was pursuing academic goals because I thought that would make my life have meaning because that was what society was bombarding my ears with--that message that said, "Finish a degree and you'll be a worthwhile person." Maybe I just wasn't meant to go to school. 

Of course, there are some real problems with not finishing college. Cleaning stalls doesn't pay very well. Obtaining a four-year degree helps in that department. And I probably will pursue a Bachelor's, but just not go on to get a graduate degree, like I always thought I would.

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