Friday, March 3, 2023

Fishing [Update]

 When I was younger, say in my twenties, I assume every men was attracted to me until proven otherwise. Dancing did that to me. 

Getting older, months without dating or sex, you begin to wonder if that statement is true. Men don't mock you, but they certainly don't compliment you. That being said, I don't drop my clothes for random strangers, I don't tease pedestrians, I don't haphazardly grab dicks or rub up against anyone. I've occasionally wondered what would happen if I put on a dress and make up and went downtown to a bar at night, and went fishing. Would I catch anything? 

Maybe this would be better use of my time instead of waiting for Cox to come on to me, which he may or may not do. And then, how will I handle it? And then, down the rabbit hole we go.

The day I met Dennis Hof I was wearing a ball cap and jeans, thinking I was going to a job interview for a ranch/riding position. He saw through the worn t-shirt and ratty jeans into something else. 

However, I feel like I've been living in dormant, and I'm not sure what I'm waiting for in order to wake back up. Time? I'm not getting any younger. Waiting to meet that special someone? I've been so disconnected from my surroundings thanks to chronic depression that I'm not sure I'd notice someone if he did cross my path. What would that even look like for starters? My fellow classmates are fresh out of high school and have pimples as their most difficult skin problem, not wrinkles. I've never met a student that I ever was attracted to, and maybe that's on me, not them. 

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