Friday, February 16, 2018

Am I An Asshole Part III

When I tell my mother that the Neurologist wants me to join a weight loss program (which makes its money on the idea that you will lose weight only to regain it), my mother tells me that she will pay for it. Then she adds, "But do you really need someone to tell you how to eat right? You know how to eat right."

I complain that Noom wants $148 for an eight month program (they explain that it will take eight months for me to lose 72 pounds in which my BMI will then be around 21). "You know what I had to eat today?"

"You starve yourself, and then you gorge...Just reduce your portion sizes, and you will lose the weight."

Right, because someone will wave a magic wand, and I'll weight 130lbs again. And, by the way, I am a recovering bulimic.

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