Monday, May 27, 2019

Elijah Part I [UPDATED]

The man with schizoaffective disorder

When I first met him on the back patio, with all my parents and including Elijah's father.

Elijah's father, James, is raised partially by my father, who adopted me. Dad attempted to become James' father, but there were issues with the adoption.

Technically, that makes Elijah my nephew. As I told my mother, who thought I was joking, in Game of Thrones, that would be perfectly acceptable.

I guess when I found Elijah, I felt like I had found a soul mate, someone who knows all about the deepest parts of me.

He reminded me so much of me when I was his age (he's only 23). The reckless behavior, the drugs, I understand it. Alcohol was my main drug. I love it, even now, but I know that drinking is not good for my mental stability.

He's about my height, but much thinner than I am. He has a handsome face.

When I first met him, I just noticed how anxious he was, but after we left the ranch for a late lunch, after he got some alcohol in his system, he seemed much more gregarious.

At the end of the meal, I asked Elijah if he was on Facebook. He replied yes. A little while later, he said, "Don't forget."

Driving home from the restaurant, I added his name to Facebook. The next day he asked from my cell phone number,and after that, I maintained an ongoing conversations on a daily basis. We just talked and talked.

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