Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Elijah Part VIII

Elijah is too smart, his brain must work in extraordinary ways because he's constantly trying to escape it--him. When I was manic and drinking, I felt similarly. I wanted to hide, but alcohol made soothed the voices and the racing thoughts, and with just the right amount of vodka, and I could make it home (by walking) before throwing up.

He denies using drugs in that matter, but I want to tell him that he's just fine without all of that stuff.

I'm supposed to be a good influence on young Elijah, but I miss alcohol.

Once, I drove over to see him, and he took me to a rocky trail to the ocean. From there, we found a nice sandy place, secluded by the rocks. He takes his pants off, and I suck on him to the point that he almost comes. Then I stop. He tastes good. Mild and salty.

He's never seen me naked.

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