Saturday, April 23, 2022

IP: Emails and Excitement

 He seemed rather excited by the idea. 

I caught him in the hallway. "Can I talk to you briefly?" I emphasized the word "briefly." There's the hidden policy that even though the doctors walk freely up and down the hallway, they are not in fact free to chat. They circle around in their world, and we are sinking down in ours.

"Yeah," he says, and then walks a few feet to the conference door, opens it with his badge. We step inside, and he sits down. 

I reluctantly sit also. I tell him my idea about emailing him every morning with how I'm feeling, an update of sorts. It would contain just a couple little paragraphs, maybe instead, even a few bullet points for brevity sake.

"I think that's a great idea!" He replies, stirred by the prospect.

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