Wednesday, October 26, 2016


"I know you find him boring," my mother told me a couple of months ago during the time I was seeing Joseph on the weekends.

"I don't find him boring," I respond.

Surprisingly, Joseph TXT-messaged me on Monday, saying, "Would b great to talk sometime."

If life made sense (which it doesn't), I would be living with Joseph in town, and we would be happily in love.

But of course, reality doesn't reflect that.

I never bothered to contact him after we had our disagreement about what exactly being a friend entails because I felt like I never said anything wrong. He was angry, and that was on him.

Joseph is working on the premise that someday, somehow, I'm going to change my mind and want to be with him in a committed, romantic relationship.

Of course, that's never going to happen. He will realize this eventually--but I know how the heart tends to drag things out until you hit your lowest point--then you begin to see the truth.

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