Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Class Cancelled

It's an odd building next to the soccer field with only a few classroom in it (maybe even two), and stands white. I'm situated at the locked door, reading online articles off of Facebook--which is where I get most of my news--with my computer bag on the dirty cement.

There's a horde of students gathering around in a half-circle with the doorway being the center.

I see him coming from the parking lot.

When the English instructor arrives, checks the door, and then he answers a few students' questions, and afterward announces that class will be cancelled today.

One woman (who is one of only two students older than me) demands, "why?" as she is plainly annoyed. She asked in a tart way a while back during a different class period for me to move my belongings, and I haven't liked her since. How quickly we make judgments about people's personality and character. Maybe she's usually really nice, and I just keep catching her on an off day.

The English instructor is standing next to me. I want to tell her that it's none of her damn business why he's not holding class today. Maybe he has HIV and needs an emergency transfusion. Maybe he's suicidal in addition to his physical illness and needs to be hospitalized. It could be a bad anxiety attack. Maybe he's visiting a girlfriend from out of town, and wants a few hours to himself (he probably wouldn't appreciate me insinuating that he is cheating on his wife). Maybe he just doesn't feel like abiding in front of a crowd for the next two hours.

He answers without any sourness, "I haven't finished grading the midterms yet."

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