Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Fresh Perspective

The case manager told me that I should run away from Morpheus when he won't even give me the respect that my "ordinary friends" do.

She was wondering if this was a pattern--clinging to emotionally unavailable men who treat me like shit.

I couldn't see any. My boyfriends in the past have been varying shades of talkative, although two turned out to be abusive (Iago and Mr. FS). My first boyfriend, Dirk, and I talked constantly while we were getting to know each other, and even during our actual relationship. Others follow as similar examples, all the way to the most talkative of all: Joseph. I don't know of anyone in my life who stonewalls as much and effectively as Morpheus.

"When a sad song comes on the radio, it doesn't matter what it is, I want to call her, and then I have to tell myself, 'No!,' " my case manager tells me, speaking of her ex-girlfriend.

"Like you said," I begin, in another part of the conversation, "I don't want to give up on [Morpheus] because that could mean that I never loved him as much as I thought I did."

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