Friday, September 1, 2017

A Lot of Norco?

My GP called me today, and left a message, saying that he would refill my Norco prescription but that I'm "taking a lot of Norco" (which, in my humble opinion and from the research I've read--I'm not), and that he's concerned that I'm developing a dependency.

I guess, I can't come up with some kind of response without being condescending. I realize a little bit of knowledge (like I've obtained about opioid addiction and the physiology of chronic pain) is dangerous, making us think we know more than we actually do (I'm sure I've mentioned this phenomenon before). However, dependency is different from addiction, and dependency doesn't mean misuse or abuse; in fact, it's almost always happens with continued opioid use. Do I have a physical dependency? No, because I can go off of it, and suffer no ill-effects or withdrawal symptoms.

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