Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Grambo is Dead, Part IV

My mother is bending down to tie her own shoes, and as she's leaning over, she says, "Grandma is in a better place now. She's with her mom and her dad."

I can't tell if she really means it or wants to believe it or just wants me to believe it. Of course, I don't. I'm a materialist. I don't even submit to the idea of having a soul. We're just a long train of biochemical reactions. I find the idea of free will hard to defend, although not for religious reasons. Perhaps I believe more in deism, that God is there, but He just leaves the world to run on the premise of physical laws and chemical principles, and the other elements of natural order. But does He love us? Clings us to His bosom? Does He breathe everlasting life into us?

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