Monday, September 18, 2017


During the weekend, while my mother and I were watching TV, she asked me if I would like it if she adopted a child.

"Not one who needs diapers," she explained to me. "What are you thinking? Are you thinking you won't get attached to it? Sometimes the older children have a hard time finding homes." She explained to me later that she was afraid I would end up all alone--since, well, I haven't dated in years, and it's now officially been more than a year since I've had sex (and that sex didn't last long, only a few minutes). Most people close to me know that it would be difficult for me to carry my own child because I would have to go off all of my meds and risk psychosis or depression.

"This is a conversation you need to have with Dad," I finally said.

"Oh, he always wanted more children, it was me who only wanted one."

I seemed to cheer her up some when I said that perhaps I would adopt after I was finished with school.

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