Monday, September 11, 2017

Grambo Is Dead, Part III

I have been throwing up, without fever or chills. I know it's not opiate withdrawal because I have been taking that somewhat regularly, and it's not correlated with any drinking I'm doing (I haven't had more than a glass of wine at one time). My mother has said that it's caused by the stress of my grandmother dying.

One thing that struck me hard was how my friends reacted to the news of my grandmother passing. Lucky happened to message me on Facebook on the day I found out. He said "I'm sorry" and then went on talking about himself, as if that was all anyone needed to say. The Advisor sent a TXT-message, saying, "Hope it was an easy trip." I hope too that my grandmother didn't needlessly suffer, but nevertheless, it sounded odd to me. The LSU Professor initially expressed concern for my mother, not talking at all about my feelings on the subject (he later said he was concerned about me, multiple times, over the phone).

Probably the people who handled it the best was obviously Amara, who TXT-messaged me all that day, as I ranted about my feelings, and Brandon, who sent a concerned email, and my other grandmother, who was genuinely worried about me. Harry also sent a caring TXT-message. Other people left wonderful notes on my Facebook page, and it was hugely meaningful to me--just to know that someone out there cared, people who I haven't spoken to directly in months or even in years.

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