Sunday, April 29, 2018

All Roads Lead--Somewhere

" [Jae], 
It may be better to discuss at our next appointment since I am currently on the inpatient pain service.  But to answer your specific question, I would not recommend tramadol for you based on its frequent interaction with drugs like duloxetine as well as many others.  In addition, I do not think that tramadol is less or more addictive than other opioids, Addiction is a complex disease that depends on many individual-based factors as well as exposure/accessibility to opioids. I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. 
Be well, Dr. [M]."

 I decided to talk their language, and quoted some research papers on why Tramadol is used for treatment of FM (fibromyalgia). I sent the doctor at Stanford Pain Management Clinic a list of studies, with a quote from each on the decision to use Ultram.

The doctor didn't care. She emailed me back the same day, within hours, saying she couldn't recommend Tramadol because it is known to interact with Cymbalta (see above).

I received her message, and then I sat down at the desk and cried miserably for an hour.

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