Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Three Months and So Many Days

I don't want to end up one of those "bitter ex's."

I suppose that the line "how can I contact you" was his way of testing what mode of communication would be best when delivering the bad news--phone, TXT-message or email? 

This is not to say that he had a plan of what he wanted to say. He might have wanted to start the conversation with one intention, and then--something led to a different course. 

I am, of course, proof of all that can go wrong in a marriage--how someone could be overcome with lust, forgetting for minutes and hours and days of the respectable ways of living. I am some bad reminder of relationships being confusing and hurtful. Perhaps all he wanted was to get rid of me before I manage to fuck up his next relationship with this girlfriend. 

He doesn't want to feel guilty, so he'll twist the situation into whatever suits him best. I never loved him, therefore he doesn't have to love me back. He wanted me to go away, he told me that we could only be friends, he said this and that, and yet, I ignored him, and continued to cling. He took no part in encouraging me, because that would be unfair. He's blameless because he told me

I've asked myself for many times, usually at night, am I trying to make him into a villain? Or am I just now seeing the truth? There's no quick, suitable answer to that. 

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