Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Damn your love, damn your lies..."

--Fleetwood Mac

He can trivialize our relationship, he can minimize it to a fuck buddy-type situation, and he can deny all sorts of things, but even though I've lost 99% of all memories of him, I still remember the way he looked at me, the way he said my name, when he whispered "I can't stop thinking about you..."

In relationships, we're bound to occasionally say things we don't mean--either positive ("That hat looks great on you!") to the negative ("I hate you!") after a particularly bad argument.

Maybe he said a bunch of things that he never meant--maybe they meant something in the moment, and then they faded away like the way a bright shirt will become grey after too many warm washings.

Did I remember the events so much differently than he did?

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