Monday, August 8, 2016

Why English 156 Wasn't Easy, Part X

"Maybe you should talk to someone about how upset you are, maybe someone at the disability center," my mother suggests after I walked out of class the second time.

Close to tears, I had called her while she was at work.

The truth is that probably no one gave a shit because no one besides me had ever directly dealt with the stigma of mental illness--or watched how it influenced even the most open minded people.

"Maybe you should tell your professor what happened so you won't lose credit," my father said.

I thought about sending the English instructor an email about discrimination against people with mental illness. So, I did. I wrote about how ignorant my peers were (without saying it directly, of course), and then I intended to shut up about it.

I couldn't miss the third day because we were taking our midterm.

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