Thursday, February 10, 2022

Introduction to James

The voices, his name is James in particular, keep telling me, "Jump! You're a wimp for not following through with it! A coward!"

  I think about wandering off the unit (G2P). There's just a soft door between us and G2, and then the rest of the hospital. There's a nearby elevator.

Would it take me to the top? Surely someone has thought of this before. There would be precautions, of course. A nurse or a nurse assistant would notice my absence, and would call security. I wouldn't exactly blend in, in my hospital-issued PJ's.

Would hanging off the side of the building thrill me to finding new life, breathe sweet joy into depression? Or would it just driving the voices to new levels of psychosis and craziness? Would it only add fuel to the fire that is consuming more and more ground?

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