Thursday, February 2, 2017

Good Word for the Professors

The Engl 201B professor stops me as I'm headed out of the library.

"[Jae]!" He says.

I turn around, see him and smile.

He then proceeds to ask me a bunch of different questions about my life, including details I didn't even remember having told him in the past, like, "Are you still hiking with your dog?"

Okay, when during office hours did I tell him how I was exercising Beck? Anyone have a guess?

The Engl 201B professor points to my hands full of books. "Good reading?"

"Oh, yeah, I have to write a paper on 'The Waste Land.' "

"That's quite an undertaking."

"Uh-huh....Hey, I was wondering, do you want to get a cup of coffee sometime?"

"Yes, that would be fun." He seems pleased. He also thanked me for writing him a email--for a good way to start his semester.

I have a feeling that I will develop a similar relationship with my Engl 201C professor as well. I spent some time talking to him after class, about whether it was worth the time during the semester to read Into the Wild--since I was already carrying a full load.

All of my professors this academic year have been genuinely interested in helping me succeed, which is very nice. This semester I like the whole group. I admit that I was sceptical because this is a community college, and from others outside of the college, I was told it was a "slacker school." I haven't found that to be the case. The material in each of my classes has been very engaging.

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