Friday, February 17, 2017

I Haven't Forgotten You

Of course, I think about contacting the English instructor, we across the same general area on campus at roughly the same time on Mondays and Wednesdays (while waiting to speak to my Engl 201C professor, I searched the wall of the English faculty hallway, and noticed the English instructor's office hours and class schedule as posted). I haven't, though, figuring perhaps he's glad to be rid of me. I'm fairly certain that he doesn't think about me as often as I think about him. I wanted to show him the first poem I've written in recent years ("Hospital's Hallway"), to see if he's even slightly impressed. He probably wouldn't be, and he would notice the fact that in it, I mix metaphors, which can be confusing for a reader.

I thought that I would send him a link, with no other words except "I got published in the New York Times," if my actual essay sends up on the Modern Love. To brag a little, and to show him that I was serious about what I said when I brought up going after the Times. But the odds of that happening (contacting him and/or being published in the Times) are slim to none.

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