Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Alt-Right And Why It Matters

For the most part, I enjoy listening to Milo Yiannopoulos because he represents a extreme view, ideas some of which I used to hold when I was younger and a Christian, but also because he brings up some really good points that I had either not previously thought of or thought but was embarrassed because I am now a liberal (and in some ways, an extremist myself). One of these issues that he brought up during a talk on a TV show was the debate I had with my poetry professor about how do you prioritize women's rights with freedom of religion? I'm speaking specifically about Muslim women, although the same argument could be applied to some sects of Christianity. My poetry professor didn't have a good answer, and I don't either. If a woman wants to keep herself covered because she is modest and that is in line with her culture and religion, I have a hard time saying that she shouldn't do as she pleases, even if I think it's somewhat backward. We can easily condemn what we don't understand, a fallacy I believe most of my former classmates fell into.

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