Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Courts and the Constitution on Free Speech

So, for COMM class, I have to write and deliver an oral presentation on the use of speech codes on college campuses and the issue of free speech itself. My political position on the subject was not chosen by me but for me for the sake of the class. Milo makes all sorts of allegations about students who request or need safe spaces and trigger warnings. He says bluntly that such students should be expelled.

If the Courts and the Constitution give the right for a student to say something ignorant and/or offensive, then it gives me the right to say, "Hey, I don't like your use of that word [i.e. like calling sex workers 'whores']. It's not appropriate for a classroom discussion. Don't do it again. Don't be an asshole." I also have the right to resort to name-calling and demeaning language in response. If you can do it, then I can do it. What needs to happen is open-minded and often liberal students to stand up to a bully, and tell him/her to watch it.

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