Monday, February 13, 2017

Life On Pain, Part III

My GP called me this morning, early, and left a message saying he had my MRI results. He mentioned a "protrusion" (that could mean several different things) and that he recommended I seek out a neurosurgeon, and he had a name to recommend to me.

I called the neurosurgeon, a few cities away, farther down south, that my father had used, but unfortunately the doctor doesn't take my insurance. I don't know who else to call. I've thought about making an appointment with Stanford Neuroscience Health Center, and in fact, I called them today, but hung up after being put on hold for a while (I needed to get to class).

I called my GP back, and only got a member of his staff. I explained (again) that I needed pain killers, and that I would look for a surgeon. The woman over the phone told me flatly that he didn't prescribe any class II drugs.

"Not under any circumstances?" I asked.

She told me she would ask him specifically about my case.

Eventually, I got my Norco prescription, although it's 5mg codeine, not 7.5mg that I'm use to taking. And he only issued me 10 pills (which will probably last me 5 days) with the idea that soon, I'd be someone else's problem. 

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