Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Dirty Whore Argument, Part II

"[Jae], on a case by case basis, I have no doubt that men and women may experience healthy forms of sexual expression in the careers of prostitution and pornography.  I'm merely referencing the statistics that indicate high levels of problems in the prostitution and/or pornography business associated with addiction and abuse. And I definitely don't attach a moral judgment to someone's freedom to do what s/he wants as long as it doesn't hurt others.  So I agree with you entirely in the specific instance.  I also agree that having a woman versus a man be in charge is not necessarily going to improve or detract from the conditions.  Also, the hookup culture has all kinds of problems and complexities and benefits as well.  Stats never tell the whole story; they only offer a crude overview. :)"

--my poetry professor's response

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