Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Good People in the World

Everyone has the fear of being ordinary, but our art is our DNA, a spiral staircase to the gods.

I'm completely breathless. I used to run six miles a day, and now I can hardly jog across campus with my bag in tow.

His office door is open.

"I just wanted to say 'thank you' again," I say to him, struggling with my words either from the exertion or from the anxiety. "How about I buy you a coffee?" He's my hero for the day. I left my wallet in the classroom, and the Engl 201B professor had given it to campus police before I even figured out it was missing.

"No," he responds, smiling, looking a little embarrassed.

"Are you sure? It's the least I can do."

He tells me "no" again before finally relenting. "I like diet sodas."

"What kind?"

"Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke or Diet Dr Pepper."

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