Thursday, November 3, 2016

Leaving Home

"You know if you stay at [the community college], you'll always be a lower level classman," the Advisor tells me. "Do you have any reason to stay local?"

"Yes," I explain that my parents, although I don't have to live with them, I do because they can acutely monitor me for signs of relapse, and then help me get to the doctor or to the hospital if need be. If I move up north like to UC-Berkeley, then I would lose my support system. I don't tell him the story I read about a woman with bipolar disorder who finally managed to get into grad school, only to kill herself far away from home after telling her mom that she couldn't move back and be with family (even though she knew she was sick) because she had to finish school. I don't talk about my dog. I can't imagine having her cramped in a small apartment somewhere--will she get enough exercise?

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