Sunday, November 20, 2016

PC Way of Saying "Dumbed Down"

I had just finished my poetry midterm from Engl 201B, and I walked up to the professor and handed in my test.

"How much of Hamlet should we read?" I ask since he had mentioned in the beginning of class that we were moving onto plays.

"Oh, we won't get very far. Probably to the first or second scene," he replies. He looks up at me, and comments, "It's a hard read."

I don't mention the fact that I read Hamlet when I was seventeen or eighteen years old in AP Lit, and I don't remember having any trouble with it back then.

The English instructor during a stray conversation held similar conventions about community college students in freshman comp having difficulties with Shakespeare, and how, instead, he chose to teach a text that "was more accessible" in order to ignite student interest.

I suppose there is a fine line between challenging your students, and overwhelming them to the point that they surrender and refuse to study anymore.

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