Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Always Strive For

The English instructor suggested that since I was uninspired by the topic of opioid epidemic that I should perhaps change the focus of my paper (I had told him that I ran out of ideas on page two).

"What do you like to write about?" He asks.

"Mental illness," I say automatically. "That's all I write about..." I pause. "Not entirely, I'm writing about conservatism versus liberalism in the college classroom."

"Then write about that."

I look down for a few seconds. "I don't mean this as a criticism, but from my previous encounters with you, you don't seem like the issue of mental illness particularly stirs you."

He argues that his interests should have no influence on my topic. He says to make him interested.

The English instructor also tells me, "Don't write a 5,000 word paper, unless it's the best paper I've ever read."

"Well, that is the goal I always strive for."

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