Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Political Climate on Campus

"But how has the political climate affected the classroom?" I ask of him. I'm investigating possible interests the English instructor might have that we can write about together for The New York Times. I explain that I went to the open forum, talked even to the group, and it was all about how Trump could change the situations for immigrants, particularly Latinos.

"I think you were here when we talked about the election," the English instructor continues. "You know how many people commented at [another community college that he teaches at which is about thirty minutes away from Yuppieville]?" He pauses for affect. He continues that the vast majority of his students are Hispanics in that class, and he has several African Americans as well. He shows surprise for me while he says, "None." Trump effectively cut off ties with the minorities. Everyone knows this.

So, yes, class and ethinicity makes a difference in one's political views.

We can't hide from our racial issues, and we can't discard our white, privileged skin. We were born with it, and we can do much to better others around us, regardless of color, by leading by example.

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