Saturday, December 10, 2016

Popularity in High School, and The LSU Professor Says I Can't Sleep With My Professors Until After Grades Are Finalized--Not That I Would Ever Do Such A Thing

A few classes ago in Engl 201A, the students performing an oral presentation brought up the subject of being popular in high school (which I was for the first two years, including the title of "sophomore class president," not only did I win--yay for me--but won by a landslide).

I had been saving my question (I spend too much brain energy coming up with items to say beforehand, in verbal conversation and in email exchanges--I dedicatedly plan out what I'm going to mutter). So, I ask the English instructor after class, "Were you popular in high school?"

"No," he says decisively.

"Really? But you were in athletics!" I respond, shocked.

"I was on the mens volleyball team," he replies, making fun of himself.

I almost added that a nice, tall, handsome man like him, surely, he would be popular in high school. Girls at sixteen can't resist a towering man with an athletic build. But, I don't want to make him uncomfortable by, more or less, hitting on him. Is that flirting? I really can't tell. So, I keep my mouth shut.

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