Monday, December 5, 2016

I Am a Dangerous Professor, Part II

I knew if I was going to write him an email, I would have to "hit it out of the ballpark," as some would say. You never know until you try. 

I was so swayed by Dr. Yancy's essay that I did sit down and send him a message, to which he responded within a few hours. I never thought he would read it, much less hail me a reply.

In my letter, I accused my fellow students of Islamophobia, xenophobia, and just plain ol' prejudice. I professed that I cried after class. I explained to him that I didn't know how to handle hate speech in the classroom and continue my education. I asked for advice.

(I believe it's a fair assumption that the English instructor would disagree with my charges against my classmates.)

Dr. Yancy told me that my message was "very touching," and that he would love to speak to me more--that I should send another email to him in a week as he is swamped in his mail box. 

I hope dearly that someday too, I will be incriminated as a leftist, spreading my evil, liberal "bullshit" (as eloquently said by my classmate). 

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