Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hot Bed of Female Emotion

According to the sociologist who works for Tinder, my photos on my profile are not going to attract much attention--I'm not wearing make up and I'm not wearing something tight and red.

She also mentioned in the same article that Tinder is not a hook up app (she explains that most people meet after about a week, not the same night).

I've learned over years of experience, both as a professional and as a layman, that most men, when you say you just want something casual, they say they want that too--even if it isn't what they are after--because men have a reputation to uphold. Who's going to turn down free, no-strings-attached sex (apparently, only Morpheus)?

It's the women's duty to guard her chastity.

A man could even be punished if he looks at you, and says he's trying to find his soulmate (women too might come across as intimidating if they do the same).

Needless to say, to quote an old movie, Tinder is "a hot bed of female emotion," or male emotion, if you will.

I set up two different get togethers with two different men, and they, more or less, cancelled at the last minute. One TXT-messaged me a few hours before we were supposed to meet, and said that his parents came into town early, and if we could re-schedule. If he was a close friend, of course, I would make other plans, but this is a stranger, and he's unable to keep his word. I told him how I felt, that I didn't want to see him anymore, and he hasn't bothered me.

The other man, who I picked out of the crowd because he was pictured with his Doberman on his profile, told me that we could meet up at five on Friday, and then I didn't hear from him for a few days, even after I asked him where he wanted to get together. Finally, he responds on Friday that he can't see me because he has his daughter with him, and if seeing me after nine was okay. Again, I understand family responsibilities and how that is important, but this is a stranger who couldn't manage to schedule ahead of time--like many others on Tinder.

After Christmas, Tinder has been unusually quiet. I'm only in contact with one man now, who happens to be the most strikingly handsome of them all. In contrast to almost the whole group of the other men, I messaged him first. He doesn't talk much, but he did ask if he could meet my parents (which I thought was odd, but I'm willing to forgive him. I answered that yes, he could, but first we need to meet for a drink).

I have no further interest in surveying Tinder anymore. I told the last man standing that I was closing my profile, and then I gave him my cellphone number.

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