Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Time to Talk--What About? Identity Politics

"Now is the time to recalibrate the default assumptions of American political discourse. Identity politics is not the sole preserve of minority voters. This election is a reminder that identity politics in America is a white invention: it was the basis of segregation. The denial of civil rights to black Americans had at its core the idea that a black American should not be allowed to vote because that black American was not white. The endless questioning, before the election of Obama, about America’s 'readiness' for a black President was a reaction to white identity politics. Yet 'identity politics' has come to be associated with minorities, and often with a patronizing undercurrent, as though to refer to nonwhite people motivated by an irrational herd instinct. White Americans have practiced identity politics since the inception of America, but it is now laid bare, impossible to evade."

--"Now is The Time to Talk About What We Are Actually Talking About" by Adichie, The New Yorker

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