Monday, December 12, 2016

Shut Up, Liberal [Revised]

One of the students in class was talking about his paper (it was our final grade--a short oral presentation on our final research essay), saying that he was against "safe spaces," Affirmative Action, and some other leftist policy.

"Can I comment?" I ask the English instructor.

He tells me to go ahead.

"I've been reading over and over again about the Democrat party--"

The English instructor interrupts me sharply. "Okay, let's not make this political." He's smiling. He tells me to go ahead.

"I think you told me to 'shut up.' " I was going to comment on the Democrat Party's overwhelming focus on identity politics.

The other student insists that these liberal ideas are "good ideas," but he insists that they don't work in actuality.

Interesting, anyone read The Black Man in the White Coat? The author claims his success as a Duke medical school graduate is due to Affirmative Action. So, I say, "yay."

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