Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Someday, The New York Times

"I have a proposition for you," I say to the English instructor after all the other students have left.

"Okay," he responds.

I was going to make a prostitution joke, but felt it wasn't appropriate for the setting. I give him my big idea, writing an article for the New York Times, which I admire greatly. If that California asshole Damigo can get published several times in mainstream media, why can't we? Me and an educator should have valuable input on the subject of racial relations and the idea of a "liberal echo chamber" on campus. Surely, we have something to add.

He seems to hesitate.

I say, "I thought this would be a big ego-booster for you."

He laughs at this. "Thank you." He does admit that writing for the New York Times seems to be ambitious.

I explain that they publish essays from students of Columbia, Yale or Harvard--none from [community college]. I add that I thought my chances for being published increased with his input.

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