Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Civilization Crashing

"Where they come together, I believe, is in their nostalgic and narrow view of American uniqueness. Huntington, like Trump, wanted America to be great, and came to long for a restoration of values and identity that he believed made the country not just great but a nation apart. However, if that path involves closing ourselves off, demonizing newcomers and demanding cultural fealty, then how different are we, really, from anywhere else? The central agony of the Trump era is that rather than becoming great, America is becoming unexceptional.

And that’s not a clash of civilizations. It’s a civilization crashing."

--"Samuel Huntington, a Prophet for the Trump Era," by Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post 

While doing my research for the movie "American Sniper" for English 201A, I read some of Huntington's work. This is an excellent article about the now-deceased professor and his writing. 

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