Monday, July 24, 2017

Daily Carb Struggle

"At almost every moment of the day I am accompanied by a pair of petulant, melodramatic children in my mind’s back seat. These children, Liking and Disliking, exert a distressing degree of control over just about everything I do. I walk past an ice-cream shop on the way home from a dinner at which I have stuffed myself to the point of belt-hole renegotiation, and Liking pipes up, describing a scoop of mint chip in pornographic detail. And so insistent is Liking’s voice, so vivid are the pleasures it manages to conjure, that I am, mere minutes after declaring that my new health regimen begins now, choosing between a waffle cone and a sugar cone."

--"Letter of Recommendation: Cold Showers," by Ben Dolnick, The New York Times

I struggle with this daily, thanks to carb-cravings from Seroquel. This afternoon, after I came back from an hour's worth of hiking, I finished off a Costco-size bag of multi-grain chips. Granted, there was only a relatively small amount in the bottom to eat, but who really needs chips? No one, I tell you, no one. 

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