Friday, September 6, 2013

About Going back to October of 2009

Hidden in these drafts (among other bits of narrative) at PRivate Whore HYsteria is most of the untold story between Hades and myself that I previously didn't want to reveal because I was afraid of what he might say or do in retaliation. However, it's been four years, and I think it's interesting to look back at myself from that period.

I drank too much.

I partied too much. I make references to men who I don't even remember.

I squandered away my financial aid at bars on Grey Goose and hamburgers. I showed up to classes, but that was it. I flunked my Fall Quarter.

I was manic and out of control. The only thing I could do, it seems, was write. I probably wrote more during October of 2009 than any other period in my life. I wrote about Hades, but also about Iago and the WRiter Ex-boyfriend and about Lucky.

Currently, the only thing I regret is ruining my chances at the University. I managed to get out of those F's because I have a disability (I was manic throughout the summer and the fall), and I received medical W's; however, I no longer qualify for financial aid because I did not show academic progress (you do have to pass some classes). I wasted a real opportunity to graduate and advance in life.

I will continue to post from the past as I see fit.

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