Friday, September 6, 2013

You Don't WAnt Baby

Originally written on October 9th, 2009 at 9:07am

"I want to know why my tits hurt all the time, and I've had cramps for like the past two weeks. And don't tell me to pee on a stick," I tell Rosa via IM.

"You know that's my answer to everything."

I start laughing so hard, my roommates think I've lost my mind.

This morning, I've just washed my face, and wandered into the kitchen to make some coffee. My roommate, the older one with four kids, walks up to me, and says, "I was just going to leave a note on your door that I've missed you these past few days. Where have you been?"

I'm poor company before I've had something to eat and coffee in the morning. I mumble. I don't want to get into my self-destructive tales this early.

When I sit back down in my room, I lift my head from my computer to find two of my roommates staring at me from the door. I hear a round of "Are you okay?"

"Did you tell him you want baby?" My Chinese roommate asks.

"Yes, I think he knows now," I say with a small smile. Practicing right now would cure a lot of my life's problems.

"You don't want baby. They are pains in the ass. They're cute, but pains in the ass." She leaves.

"Are you really okay?" The other roommate says.

I shrug. I'm depressed, but what else is new? "I went down to the counseling center yesterday. I'll be fine." When the last one finally exits, I close my door, and put on my headphones, and check out.

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