Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'm a Sucker for a Love Sick Fool

originally written October 5, 2009 at 1:50pm

--Patty Loveless, "That Kind of Girl"

"Insecurity is contagious." Rosa

There are things in life you can never ask from someone. You can't ask them to love you or want you or want to be with you.

"There's a lot of drama for you guys not being together any longer than you have been," my roommate adds last night as we're all standing around the kitchen at one am.

While I try to close my door when I'm talking to him, sometimes it's too hot in the apartment to do so, and my roommates end up knowing the latest update on my relationship. One morning before I even stumbled towards the coffee pot to make my first cup, I am overwhelmed by one of my roomies asking me if I need to talk. "Are you okay?" She looks at me pitifully. Out of all of us, she's the only one married.

I shrug at the drama accusation. I've lived through much more serious. "It's because it's long distance."

She remains unconvinced. She's watched me stumbling into the apartment for three nights in a row now, drunk and angry.

"He's not your boyfriend," the married roommate comments in. "He's not your boyfriend because he lives all the way over there."

This is a good point. I nodd my head.

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