Sunday, September 22, 2013

Suicide Attempt [Edit]

"Was it really a suicide attempt if you called 911 almost immediately?"

--Amara in a recent email

 I believe it matters completely on intent.

IN other words, if I sit down on the floor of the bathroom and swallow 36 Norcos 325mg/7.5mg and 4-5 handfuls of Extra Strength Tylenol with the full intention of dying--and talking to 911 dispatch while downing pills--is it really a suicide attempt?

It takes something dark and unyielding to swallow that many pills. It takes an impulse that cannot be directly explained.

Yes. I meant to die; however, I did not want to die at home so I called 911. For the record, that's a lot of Tylenol. That's a lot of self-hatred built up. The only reason why I stopped stuffing down the pills was because I ran out of Propel water.

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