Saturday, September 24, 2016

Argument for Argument's Sake

"I have to deep dive into work and kids and figuring out how to keep making their practices..I guess this divorce really was the worst thing ever..."

--Morpheus, sent via TXT-message yesterday

My response:

"No excuses [Morpheus]. YOU decide how you align your priorities and how you spend your time. No one else does. I'm not important to you although I have intrinsic value as a person...If you really hate this divorce, go to [the Wife] and tell her. Tell her you'll do anything to get your marriage back. Work on your marriage...And then leave me alone. [The Wife] is predictable, reliable and the mother of your kids. You have a stabilizing force with her. You don't know what you're going to get with me or someone new...You avoid answering any questions about how you feel about me, and that is very difficult for me to deal with...If you really loved me, cared about me, you would have said so...We should go back to being e-pals and emailing each other every six months. Not see each other. It's just [too] hurtful to spend time with a man who doesn't love me back...Hope things work out for you [Morpheus]. Want you to be happy. Goodbye."

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